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Overview of Houston Texas

houston informationHouston is the avid sports fan's wildest dream. There is no sport that is not well-supported here. Football has always been a big deal in Texas, so it is no surprise that a new team moved in quickly after the Oilers went to Tennessee. What might surprise some is that Houston ians are addicted to baseball, too. They adore their baseball team, win or lose. With two such powerful fan bases, Houston is definitely a city to consider visiting when your team is coming to town.

Texas residents take their football very seriously. Perhaps that is why the NFL team in Houston is called the Texans. With their inaugural season in 2002, they are a young expansion team. However, neither their less-than-stellar record nor their youth have diminished their fan base. Reliant Stadium was built especially for the Texans and is considered one of the best designs in the country. It has already elevated itself to one of the loudest stadiums in the NFL. Reliant Stadium is so unique that, upon completion, they immediately got the bid for the 2004 Super Bowl. Football is a sport this city loves to support and the Texans are a team worth getting behind.

There are several hotels within walking distance of Reliant Stadium. houston local infoThe Astros have been playing baseball in Houston for more than 40 years. They play in Minute Maid Park, just minutes from downtown. The Astros are part of the National League and while they have never been to the World Series, they have won seven division titles, most recently in 2001. The loyalty of the fans has been tested of late, as the disappointment of always contending, and never winning, grows. Most fans stick it out, because they know their time is coming. Who wouldn't want to be able to say, "I was a fan when"? They are bitter rivals with the Atlanta Braves, so if they have a series while you are in Houston , pick up a couple tickets; it will be well worth it.

Accommodations located near Minute Maid Park:
Whether you are all about the pigskin or prefer our national pastime, Houston has a professional team worth seeing. With devoted fans and high-caliber arenas, the will be unlike any you have witnessed before. The climate in this region is very temperate, which makes spectating a comfortable and thrilling experience. Whether you root for your home team or cheer on the local boys, it's always a fun-filled excursion. Plan ahead and buy your tickets early, because these games can sell out.

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